Tuesday, December 21, 2021

What are varicose veins?

Varicose veins are abnormal swollen veins present both on the surface and beneath the surface of the skin. In contrast, spider veins are smaller, red or purple blood vessels that are <1 mm in diameter and have a web-like appearance. Both conditions can be related to venous insufficiency prompting a visit to NJ Vein Treatment Clinic.

What creates Varicose Veins problems?
The normal function of leg veins is to bring blood back to the heart. With activity, the calf muscles function as a pump, to circulate blood back from the legs toward the heart. The same blood vessels have one-way valves that protect against blood from reversing back due to gravity. If the valves are faulty, this mechanism fails and blood collects in the lower legs resulting in venous insufficiency. This abnormal flow is referred to as reflux and with time builds up pressure in the legs to cause symptoms including abnormal spider and varicose veins.

Who is at risk of Varicose Vein disease?
There are various risk factors associated with varicose veins. These dangers include a family history of varicose veins, obesity, pregnancy, hormonal adjustments at menopause, a job that requires prolonged standing or sitting, and even previous trauma.

What are the symptoms of varicose veins?
The most common symptoms from varicose veins are 1) Leg heaviness 2) leg cramps 3) restless legs 4) fatigue 5) skin eczema 6) skin ulceration (rare) 7) DVT (rare) 8) Leg swelling.

Varicose Vein Therapy:
Some home remedies including witch hazel, horse chestnut extract, and CBD can have a relieving effect. Disomin is contained in some generic formulations and prescription strength Vasculera. It is a medical food that provides anti-inflammatory effect for pain relief and has demonstrated improvement in circulation and ulcer healing. However, they do not reverse the condition.

Compression stockings are the standard of early treatment once the diagnosis is suspected or confirmed by venous ultrasound. The external compression provides circumferential support to the dilated veins and improves blood flow through graded pressure.

Permanent and more effective varicose vein centers offer vein ablation, sclerotherapy, varithena and venaseal. These treatments are medical in nature and require consultation with a vein specialist to determine necessity. Modern vein treatments are minimally invasive and can be performed in the office without long recovery periods or anesthesia. vein treatment cost in NJ are variable depending on individual insurance plans and determination of medical necessity.

Article Source: https://sjveinclinic.bcz.com/2021/10/07/varicose-veins-simplified/

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Top Methods for Vein Removal

 This article discusses the means for obtaining the best treatment for spider veins available. The vessels that return deoxygenated blood from other parts of the body to the heart and lungs are called veins. It is when they become damaged or impaired that a condition known as venous insufficiency develops.  Signs of vein disease include spider veins and varicose veins. With the advancement in medical procedures, there are many new spider vein treatments available to the patients looking for convenient and non-surgical methods to get rid of bad veins. 

What is the best spider vein treatment in New Jersey?
It’s common to hear individuals ask “what is the best spider vein treatment in NJ?”  That is a loaded question, but we can begin by stating with fact it is non-surgical.   From there it is a matter of getting an individual evaluation to better understand your condition and goals.  The best doctors in NJ will evaluate your condition, prescribe appropriate diagnostic tests, and then sit with you to plan a specific treatment suited for you.  This article reviews some of the most popular methods for vein treatment in 2021. 

Laser Treatment
Laser removal is a minimally intrusive treatment that involves delivering laser energy to the tiny surface capillary veins. The energy is absorbed by the targeted veins and leads to disruption of the blood vessels and coagulation.  The vein is ultimately resorbed by the body.   Blood no more moves through these veins and is rerouted through healthier blood vessels.
Sclerotherapy is the most popular and effective treatment for spider vein removal at most vein clinics.  It is time intensive, but associated with far greater accuracy and satisfaction especially for larger spider and reticular veins.   Today, the most popular formulations are polidocanol and STS as opposed to hypertonic saline.  The medications are safer to use and associated with less complications like hyperpigmentation and ulceration.  Injected veins are disrupted by the sclerosant and ultimately dissolve with time. Similar to laser treatment, sclerotherapy is often needed 2 or 3 times for maximal effect.  
Endovenous Techniques
This refers to treating the underlying cause of spider and varicose veins.  In most instances it is covered by medical insurance with medical necessity.  It is more involved than sclerotherapy or laser treatment of spider veins, but still a minimally invasive treatment performed in the office.  A tiny catheter is placed into the vein and heat is delivered for collapse of the diseased vein.  Leg circulation back to the heart is improved by eliminating the refluxing vein (seen in venous insufficiency).
Surgical Procedures
Old relic of vein treatment using surgical ligation and stripping to eliminate the refluxing vein.  This has been largely replaced by catheter based techniques like vein ablation.
Ambulatory Phlebectomy
Ambulatory phlebectomy is a procedure where varicose veins are directly pulled out under local anesthesia using tiny cuts and surgical hooks pull.   This technique is best for getting rid of huge varicose nerves not suited for injection therapy. 
The newest treatment for varicose veins is also catheter based, but utilizes delivery of a medical adhesive through a tiny tube inserted into the refluxing vein.  The targeted vein is sealed shut and blood is redirected to healthier portions of your circulation to eliminate varicose veins.  
The very best source for additional details is a qualified, accredited and the spider vein treatment clinic NJ. Patients are urged to seek specialist evaluation prior to selecting any treatment for spider veins for a cost effective approach.

Article Source: https://southjerseyveinclinic.weebly.com/blog

Friday, July 2, 2021

When to visit the vein doctor?

 Spider veins and varicose veins are quite common.  In fact, it's estimated that up to 80% of females have some presentation of vein disease including spider veins. In most cases, the presence of spider or varicose veins is not a reason for concern.  However, whether it's for cosmetic reasons or medical reasons, you will want to make sure you are getting the right advice. 

 In this article, we review some of the top reasons patients seek out expert advice for spider and varicose vein treatment.
 1) Spider Veins
Spider veins are fine red or purple vessels on the skin and have the appearance of spider webs. They represent the most common reason females seek out vein treatment.  Genetics, venous insufficiency, and hormonal factors are the most common cause.
 2) Varicose veins
Protuberant, larger veins on the surface of the skin.  They are tortuous and associated with a greater degree of symptoms. The primary cause is often venous insufficiency and genetic factors.
 3) Restless Leg Syndrome
Venous insufficiency is surprisingly a common cause of restless legs. While every patient may not have pain from varicose veins, the involuntary contractions from restless legs during the night-time can be very disturbing. A simple duplex ultrasound can help make the diagnosis.
 4) Leg Swelling
Edema or leg swelling is more concerning symptom with venous insufficiency and results from higher venous pressures. Swelling in vein disease is an indication for treatment, however alternative causes should also be excluded.  
 5) Leg Pain
Leg pain in venous insufficiency occurs as blood pools in the legs and causes aching and heaviness. The saphenous veins are often involved and can be diagnosed with with venous reflux study.

 Making a decision about vein treatment is often guided by the symptoms you experience.  Leg pain, restless legs, and swelling are indications of medical venous disease. 
Treatment is guided by venous reflux studies to help elucidate the culprit vein.  Greater saphenous disease accounts for approximately 80% of venous insufficiency and can be relieved with simple measures including vein ablation, venaseal and varithena in appropriate candidates.

For more information, consider visiting www.veinspecialistcenters.com for detailed questions about vein disease and vein treatment.

Article Source: https://mtlaurelveincenter.weebly.com/blog/when-to-visit-a-vein-doctor

Friday, April 9, 2021

Vein Myths (Continued)

Vein Myths - Part II

Varicose veins and venous insufficiency represent a very common patient presentation. The most serious symptoms are DVT, infections, ulcerations and bleeding. Fortunately, they tend to be rare. The most common reason for vein disease happens to be hereditary. In fact, if one parent has vein disease, there is a 50% chance for their children to also have vein problems. Despite this knowledge, we still hear plenty of exaggerated stories of “how varicose veins form.” In a previous blog, we addressed 3 dispelled notions on varicose veins and in this article, we focus on 3 more concerns patients with spider and varicose veins express.

Myth 1: Varicose veins are more common in runners
Anything that promotes circulation is good for your health and that includes your leg veins. Walking and moreso running promotes the calf muscle pump action and this reduces the amount of blood pooling in the lower extremities. That’s a good thing!
So it’s not the running that causes varicose veins in legs, however it’s clear that anyone spending a great deal of time on their legs with varicose veins should wear compression stockings.

Myth 2: Varicose Veins Are Always Visible
Varicose veins are insidious and so long before you see any protuberant veins, the underlying venous insufficiency can be progressing. Pay attention to symptoms including leg pain, heaviness or cramps. Nocturnal symptoms include restless legs or charlie horses. If you have any of these symptoms, then consider beginning your search for a varicose vein doctor near me.

Varicose veins are often the result of faulty pipes beneath the surface of the skin. Most commonly they involve the truncal veins (great saphenous or small saphenous veins) and perforators. As these feeder veins develop disease from incompetent valves, symptoms can start and with progression, visible varicose or spider veins may appear. It’s important to understand that the visual presentation of varicose veins is just the tip of the iceberg. Prevention complications down the line involves treating the underlying feeder veins.

Myth 3: Varicose Veins Can Be Cured
Unfortunately, varicose veins cannot be entirely cured. We are fighting some long odds with genetics and given the numerous amount of veins we all have, the better goal is to manage symptoms and prevent complications. This means starting treatment early and then maintaining ourselves with appropriate lifestyle choices including exercise!

Vein restoration centers in NJ and across the country are seeing more and more patients with varicose vein issues. There are probably several factors involved here including better patient and primary care awareness, insurance coverage and increased focus on wellness and aesthetics. Safe and effective varicose vein treatment requires proper evaluation by a leg vein doctor in NJ.

Article Source: https://njveinwellness.bcz.com/2021/03/30/vein-myths-part-ii/

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Am I a Candidate for Vein Treatment?

Varicose veins is most commonly hereditary and as such, these veins cannot be avoided. But should you consider yourself “Am I a candidate for varicose vein treatment?” Should it be when they start aching or swelling or itching? 
 If you are at that point, you should also consider “who are the best vein doctors near me?”

The Verdict
As soon as you have identified that you have varicose veins, you should consider an assessment by a varicose vein doctor. Symptoms including achiness, tiredness, swelling represent progressive symptoms of vein disease that can be corrected. Remember, not all varicose veins are visible--so you do need to pay attention to insidious symptoms!

Healthy lifestyle choices and exercise can help manage some symptoms, however having your circulation assessed is recommended. Early recognition and management is the key to preventing complications.

How to Treat Varicose Veins?

Fortunately, treatment for varicose veins has become incredibly simple and safe due to major advances in the field. Varicose vein Surgery is no longer required. Instead, NJ vein doctors suggest minimally-invasive vein treatment that do not require any downtime. In fact, many patients return to work the very same day after a quick treatment session. Most importantly, varicose vein treatment costs are covered by all major medical insurance and Medicare.

At vein treatment clinics NJ, having a board-certified vascular specialist is a must for any consideration of choosing the best vein doctor in NJ.

Article Post: https://centralnjveinclinic.weebly.com/blog/am-i-candidate-for-varicose-vein-treatment