Thursday, October 29, 2020

Home Remedies for Varicose Veins

 Varicose veins and spider veins are super common and affect almost everyone I know.  Some are more bothered than others. Medically speaking, there is only one reason to do vein procedures and that is symptoms.  Varicose vein symptoms can include leg pain, leg cramps, restless legs, and leg swelling to name a few. Advanced symptoms or signs include skin color changes or eczema, leg ulcerations and bleeding varicosities.  We know that vein procedures are quite effective and vein doctor NJ offer some of the most advanced techniques available.  However, a large number of patients do not require procedures in the absence of symptoms but are curious about what they can do at home to remedy some mild itching or discomfort.  Vein clinics of America recommends several DIY techniques that can help you feel a little better. Of course, if you have more than mild symptoms or you are not responding to conservative measures, then a visit to the vein doctor is recommended.  

Natural treatments review by the best varicose vein doctor in Edison NJ are:
1. Apple Cider Vinegar
We do not recommend ACV for spider veins. Despite various claims, there is no science to back up this belief.  Because of the acidic nature of ACV, there can also be skin irritation. So sorry, but circulation is not improved and varicose veins are not likely to shrink away with ACV.
 2. Cayenne Peppers
While it can be a rich source of vitamin C, the ingestion of cayenne peppers is likely to do little more than cause stomach irritation.  Support is weak for this home remedy.
3. Horse Chestnut extract
Along with essential oils, horse chestnut has anti-inflammatory effects and thus can feel soothing for uncomfortable or itchy spider and varicose veins.  Just don’t expect them to disappear.
4. Exercises 
This one is a sure bet to helping the legs feel better.  Promoting circulation is the key to relieve any varicose vein leg pain.  Exercise improves the tone of the calf muscles as well which again promotes healthy movement of blood.  Key point is to avoid sitting or standing in one position for too long.
5. Avoid crossing your legs 
Crossing your legs alone will not cause spider or varicose veins.  However if you suffer from poor vein circulation, then tightening your legs or sitting in one position for an extended period of time can inhibit blood circulation and trigger more pain.
6. Witch Hazel
Can have a soothing or cooling effect on your legs and that can feel nice on spider veins.  However, like essential oils or cayenne peppers, don’t expect veins to disappear. 
At this time, there are very few things that are sure fire DIY measures for curing vein disease.  However, for mild disease or those interested in getting some mild relief, the best vein doctors will advise that trials of essential oils or horse chestnut extract can be considered for minor relief.  If the symptoms persist or worsen, it’s best to make an appointment with the vein doctor near me before advanced symptoms develop.

For more information, visit to help manage painful spider and varicose veins.

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Thursday, October 15, 2020

Who is a vein doctor?

 Your vein doctor is ideally an MD or DO that has completed specialty training in the management of spider and varicose veins. Formal training is obtained during a vascular residency or fellowship that includes supervised training in vascular procedures. In general, these specialists have a background in vascular surgery, interventional radiology or interventional cardiology. With board-certification, these physicians have a demonstrated proficiency that meets the highest standards of the profession.

Some vein doctors have an alternate background with no previous specialty training in vascular procedures. These vein doctors include specialists from pain management, internal medicine, and even OB/GYN. The alternate route for training involves industry sponsored courses that do not compare to the breadth of exposure or years of training needed to become experts in vascular management. While many of these physicians have crafted their practices to specialize in spider and varicose vein treatment, the professional experience and training is not uniform.

In this article, we break down the 3 categories of vein doctors providing spider and varicose vein treatment:

Vascular Surgeon
Vein Specialist

Vascular Surgeons:
Vascular surgeons have traditionally been the standard care-takers of spider and varicose vein disease. However, this evolved over the last decade with the replacement of surgical procedures (vein stripping) by minimally-invasive techniques including RF vein ablation and foam sclerotherapy. With the growth of non-surgical treatments, the practice of vein medicine expanded beyond vascular surgeons to meet the needs of an increasing population. However, vascular surgeons still standout among vein doctors because of the breadth of their training and wider set of skills to deal with both simple and complex vein disease. Vascular surgeons complete 5 years of general surgery training followed by 2 years of sub-specialty training in vascular medicine. Board-certification is awarded after completion of the training program and a demonstration of proficiency in practice and examination.

Why a Vascular Surgeon:
Board-certified vascular surgeons complete intensive supervised training in vein and arterial disease management. No other specialty offers the level of training for vascular disease.
Best-suited to manage both simple and complex vein disease due to breadth of training
Experts in both pre and post-procedure management of venous disease, especially advanced stages (CEAP 3–6)
Maintain hospital privileges for vascular medicine (Hospital accreditation for vascular medicine is based on board-certifications in ABMS-only recognized specialties)
Be Mindful:
Vein stripping is not the gold-standard of on how to get rid of varicose veins in 2020. Be certain, your vascular surgeon is comfortable with minimally-invasive techniques.

Phlebologists are a diverse group of physicians from various specialties, including non-vascular doctors. A phlebologist is referred to as someone specializing in varicose vein disease, however the designation remains loose. Phlebology and its board-certification (ABVLM) are not a recognized speciality by the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) due to the absence of any formal training programs or standards. The ABVLM is simply a written test and does not include a rigorous standard to judge procedural experience or competence. Phlebologists without training in either vascular surgery, cardiology or interventional radiology should not be automatically assumed as vascular specialists. Nonetheless, many physicians from non-vascular backgrounds will use this status for marketing purposes.

Need to Consider
Phlebologists should be evaluated for backgrounds in ABMS recognized specialties such as interventional cardiology or vascular surgery
A written examination is not enough certainty on the procedural skills needed to manage spider and varicose vein disease
Does the phlebologist have hospital privileges to perform similar procedures? Hospitals maintain strict credentialing for physicians to perform procedures. Be sure to ask if your vein doctor has credentials.

Vein Specialist:
Similar to phlebologists, physicians referred to as vein specialist also have various backgrounds. It’s important to note whether or not that experience includes an ABMS recognized board-certification in either: invasive cardiology, vascular surgery or interventional radiology. And while modern varicose vein treatments no longer mean surgery, the expectation of a safe and successful outcome still depends on experience.

Why A Vein Specialist?
Select a vein specialist with ABMS board-certification in either vascular surgery, invasive cardiology or interventional radiology
Interventional specialties possess unique skills for minimally-invasive techniques learned during rigorous training programs

Who Is The Best Vein Doctor By Specialty?
If you are suffering from the symptoms of vein disease, an early evaluation is appropriate. Choosing the right vein doctor begins with an ABMS board-certified vascular specialist with a focus on varicose vein disease.

Vascular surgeons are no longer the only providers at vein clinics, however considering the significant amount of experience and skill needed, we recommend you consult only physicians who have completed formal training in vascular procedures.

For more information about vein treatment in New Jersey , visit

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