Friday, December 20, 2019

Treatment of Hand Veins

Increasingly, veins in the hands are becoming popular among aesthetic treatments.  However, in light of the complex arterial and venous anatomy of the hand, its imperative that such treatment be only considered in the hands of specialized vein doctors in NJ

Treatment options for undesired veins in the hands include sclerotherapy and ambulatory phlebectomy.

With sclerotherapy, the target vein is directly injected with either polidocanol or STS.  Foam sclerotherapy may be preferred for best vein treatment effect.  Compression therapy pos treatment is advised, however is done with elastic bandages for 48 hours without interruption.  

Ambulatory phlebectomy is also performed for hand vein treatments.  Under sterile technique and local anesthesia, a small Mueller hook is used to exteriorize the target vein similar to varicose veins in the legs.  Post procedure, compression is similar to sclerotherapy.  With either sclerotherapy or ambulatory phlebectomy, the main side effect is bruising and swelling.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Evaluation of the Vein Patient

The history of the patient who presents with varicose veins will be symptoms of leg pain, leg swelling, leg cramps, or fatigue in the legs. Patients may also reports restless leg syndrome or itchy varicose veins. Their primary concern can be as simple as “Are varicose veins dangerous?”
Significant considerations to the vein doctor include: family history of varicose veins or dvt, blood clotting disorders, age, pregnancy and gender. Occupation plays a large role in the development of varicose veins. Employment or lifestyles that require prolonged periods of sitting or standing are inciting factors for venous pooling and venous hypertension. Teachers, bus drivers, bank tellers, transit workers, clerical or office assistants tend to be prone to developing venous insufficiency. These professions tend to be a large majority of patients seen at the best vein clinics New Jersey.
During the evaluation with a NJ vein doctor, it’s important not to lose track of the patients main concerns such as “eliminate spider veins” or “what is most important for you if we proceed with treatment?” For this reason, it’s important that before proceeding with any vein treatment, the vein specialist really consider what is causing the patient discomfort or pain. In the end, if the pain is related to sciatica, pain relief is unlikely with any cure for spider veins.
Important vein specific features include leg swelling (especially if unilateral), prior DVT, prior episodes of superficial thrombophlebitis, and bleeding leg ulcerations.
Vein treatment should also be considered in the context of important co-morbidities including cardiac disease such as prior myocardial infarctions, arrhythmias or heart failure. Vein treatment is elective and should not compromise a patient’s health status. Other considerations include diabetes, know history of blood clots or DVT, stroke, allergic reactions, musculoskeletal issues that can prove difficult for patient positioning. The vein doctor should also be aware of any mobility issues as it is important for patients to be able to recover post vein treatment with sufficient walking that promotes healthy circulation.
Previous surgical history can be relevant especially if the patient has had prior vein stripping or radio-frequency ablation procedures.
The physical examination cannot be overemphasized. Visual inspection for spider veins, varicose veins , and reticular veins will be obvious. The patient should also be inspected for skin discoloration, swelling, leg ulcerations. Scarring or pigmentation from prior ablation or sclerotherapy should also be inspected for. Advanced changes can include stasis dermatitis and even lipodermatosclerosis that in the presence of venous insuffiency should be considered by a vein specialist for treatment. These findings of vein disease form the basis of the CEAP classification of vein disease.
These features of the history and physical examination are hallmarks of a comprehensive examination. Anyone looking for the best vein doctor near me should expect not only a board-certified vein specialist, but also an attentive doctor.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Vein Disease in Men

Don’t underestimate varicose veins in males.  There can be a serious problem lurking.  
While it is true that vein treatment NJ is primarily sought by  women, up to 50 percent of men in the United States may develop varicose veins in their lifetime.  This is just as true in Mt. Laurel, New Jersey.  
And varicose veins are not just a cosmetic concern—they can lead to discoloration, bleeding, skin ulcers, and a “heavy leg” sensation that may seriously slow your roll.  These are signs of poor blood circulation in your lower extremities.
What Causes Varicose Veins in Men?
The problem involves veins in the lower extremities that suffer from high pressure from within.  Naturally, blood pools in these veins due to gravity, resulting in high pressure within the veins.  Over time, these vein walls can become damaged from the constant pressure and suffer from venous insufficiency.   This is when symptoms such as leg cramps, heaviness, and swelling should no longer be ignored.  So if you are asking yourself “Do varicose veins cause leg pain?” the answer is a resounding YES!  Venous insufficiency is more common in individuals who sit or stand for prolonged periods, increasing age, obesity, and most importantly patients with a family history.  
Is There A Difference Between Men and Women Who Have Varicose Veins?
Venous insufficiency is a progressive disease process most commonly identified by varicose or spider veins.  Women tend to present earlier in the disease because they are often more in tune with their bodies. While the appearance of spider veins in the legs may not bother some men, it’s important to be aware that these are early signs of vein disease and preventing more serious complications requires awareness.   The diagnosis can only be made by a qualified vein doctor who specializes in ultrasound.
 How To Prevent Varicose Veins?
There are some simple things you can do at home before you schedule a Mount Laurel vein center visit:
  • Exercise daily for both your heart health and your venous health
  • Compression stockings with at least 20-30 mmHg of compression 
  • Avoid uncomfortable footwear especially during longer periods on your feet
  • Elevate your legs especially when sitting for long stretches of time
  • Change your sitting or standing position regularly

How to Treat Varicose Veins?

Fortunately, treatment for varicose veins has become incredibly simple and safe due to major advances in the field.  Surgery is no longer required. Instead, the options are now minimally-invasive and do not require any downtime.   In fact, many patients return to work the very same day after a quick treatment session. Most importantly, the procedures are covered by all major medical insurance and Medicare making varicose vein treatment cost tolerable. 

At the Mt. Laurel vein clinics, there are board-certified vascular specialists who have received formal venous training during vascular surgery and cardiovascular fellowships.   Safe and effective varicose vein treatment requires the best varicose vein doctors in NJ.

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Friday, November 22, 2019

Spider Veins

If you are searching for spider vein treatment near me,  you are likely referring to the small red or blue veins that can spread out like tiny tree branches on the feet, legs, chest and even face.
Spider veins are often the result of varicose veins in nearby blood vessels. Varicose veins are the sometimes larger, bluish veins on the surface of the skin, but they can also be present beneath the skin’s surface hidden from view.
When the varicose section of vein fills with blood and swells to its capacity, the overflow of blood creates tiny spider veins close to the skin.

What causes spider veins?

A family history of varicose/spider veins is a strong indicator you will also have veins prone to this kind of deterioration. However, there are other risk factors including being on your feet a lot (standing still without moving around), carrying excess weight, pregnancy, age, lack of mobility, leg injury, etc.

Are spider veins dangerous?

Spider veins themselves are not dangerous, however the underlying cause can be dangerous. Left untreated, varicose veins can cause a range of complications, some quite serious.  The only way to be certain is to find a vein treatment center near me.

How are spider veins treated?

The best way to treat spider veins is to treat the underlying cause, varicose veins. Depending on your particular needs, the best vein clinic NJ will choose the most appropriate treatment from a range of modern non-surgical procedures including ultrasound guided sclerotherapy, endovenous laser ablation, and Venaseal.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

What Effect Does Exercising have on Varicose Veins?

Many people are aware that varicose veins in the legs are associated with labor-intensive jobs that involve standing all day, or that they tend to affect people who have a family history with the condition. But those aren’t the only ways varicose veins become uncomfortable and aggravated — in fact, the way you work out could be putting you at risk.
Though varicose veins shouldn't stop you from exercising, it’s important to know what you should make a habit of and what you should avoid.  Vein specialists in Princeton NJ and the surrounding areas are often avid runners and can provide the best tips on how to get rid of spider veins and varicose veins.

Take It Easy and Avoid Impact:

Similar to how excessive standing can be problematic for the health of your veins, high-impact exercises can aggravate and worsen the condition for those predisposed to it. This includes activities like running, particularly on hard surfaces like concrete. It is recommended to wear comfortable shoes, wear compression stockings and sticking to softer surfaces like grass to help improve blood flow from the legs and decrease aches and pains.
But if your body simply can’t handle the strain of running and other high-intensity activities, walking is a far safer alternative. It’s not too strenuous, and it might actually be the most beneficial physical activity for your circulation. If you’re at a job that involves extended periods of sitting, taking short breaks to walk around or climb stairs has proven extremely helpful. That being said, even walking can be a difficult task for those already suffering from varicose vein pain. A good method to increase blood flow without straining yourself physically is to rotate your ankles and rock your legs back and forth.

The Gym: What to Do and What to Avoid:

For starters, the elliptical and the stationary bike are great, low-impact exercise implements that help you burn calories and increase blood flow without putting too much strain on your body.
If exercise machines aren’t your style, swimming is another excellent choice to log some physical activity that won’t have your veins regretting it afterward. That’s because swimming places the legs in a horizontal position, rather than straining them through interaction with a tough surface.
On the flip side, it may be wise to stay away from heavy lifting. Weight-lifting has a similar effect on the body to running in that it can interfere with or restrict blood flow from the legs to the heart, causing blood to pool in the veins and enlarge them. This is a result of the straining and increased abdominal pressure that the exertion involved in lifting heavy objects requires. Sit-ups, lunges, squats, and even yoga can have a similarly strenuous effect on varicose veins.
For greater discussion on the effects of exercise on veins, consider visiting a vein specialist in NJ.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Where to Find the Best Vein Doctor Near Me? A Vascular Surgeon Answers

Are you suffering from unsightly spider or varicose veins? Do they seem to be getting worse with each passing month? Are symptoms of tired, achy legs starting to affect your sleep or work? If so, you might have the same question many other patients have about vein disease---”Where is the best vein doctor near me?”

Vein Disease, also known as Chronic Venous Insufficiency, is a medical condition in which your vein circulation is affected and blood tends to pool in your lower legs due to dysfunctional valves. The symptoms are progressive when the underlying process goes untreated.

If left untreated, vein disease can lead to complications like bleeding, leg ulcers, skin infections, and deep vein thrombosis.
But how and where do you find the best vein doctor in your area? Well, as a general rule, you need to be aware of the qualities that separate a great vein practice from the others. In this article, we’ll answer your question on “where to find the best vein doctor near me”.

Qualities of the Best Vein Treatment Center

Highly-Qualified Vein Doctors

The quality of vein doctors is understandably the most important consideration when looking for the best vein clinic. The vein clinic should have physicians with a strong pedigree and vascular-specific board-certification. Patients should be aware that the term "board certification" alone is not enough. Instead, an educated patient will seek out vein specialists that have board certifications that explicitly state vascular training---this ensures those physicians have received formal residency and fellowship training to practice interventional procedures and venous medicine. The only specialties that offer formal procedural training during residency for venous medicine are surgery (vascular, general or cardiothoracic) and interventional fellowships (radiology and cardiology). So, be specific to ask what board-certification was achieved!

At the Princeton Vascular Center, all of our vein doctors have been trained at some of the finest institutions across the country. Our team has board-certifications in vascular surgery, cardiovascular medicine, and ultrasonography. Our vein doctors are experts at the latest advanced vein treatment procedures and have received statewide and national recognition for their work.

Minimally Invasive Vein Treatment Procedures
As mentioned previously, surgery is no longer necessary the standard of treatment for varicose veins. However, that does not mean that a vascular surgeon or cardiovascular specialist shouldn’t be the one treating you. The treatment of vein disease remains specialized and deciding who and what treatment is best for you still requires a vascular expert. Nonetheless, today’s premier vein clinics do manage most vein disease with minimally invasive non-surgical techniques. That means a scalpel should not be the primary tool for vein treatment.

If you’re suffering from venous insufficiency, the vein clinic should offer treatments like radiofrequency ablation, endovenous laser ablation, venaseal, and varithena. During these procedures, the vein doctor uses no more than a tiny needle or IV line to treat the vein completely. Once the unhealthy veins are treated and closed, the circulation is immediately improved and blood reroutes to healthier veins to relieve symptoms of congested blood flow.

In addition to venous insufficiency treatments, the vein clinic should also feel comfortable with cosmetic treatments for spider and varicose veins. All too often, patients seeking cosmetic treatments are guided to higher end treatments like ablation without offering solutions for visible spider veins. Instead, patients may be directed to medical spas or dermatologists to complete treatments at an additional cost. Sclerotherapy and ambulatory phlebectomy are the preferred treatments for surface veins and should be discussed as part of a complete management strategy.
Tools of the Trade
In order to offer the best and least invasive options, the vein clinic should be equipped with the necessary tools. Make sure that the vein clinic has access to a variety of technologies like ClosureFAST for radiofrequency ablation, Duplex Ultrasound devices, and VenaSeal. A one-size fits all approach is not likely to be seen at a premier vein clinic. And despite limited coverage on VenaSeal, having that option demonstrates a clinics willingness to invest in the latest technologies.
The Staff
It’s not enough for a vein clinic to just have the best doctors and latest technologies. Pay attention to the individuals assisting your vein doctor and completing your vein evaluation. Vein clinics run as a team, and one of the most overlooked members is the ultrasonographer. These individuals have completed formal training in the diagnosis and treatment of vein disease using ultrasound technique. They are the backbone of a good clinic and will help provide the necessary information to your vein doctor to make treatment plans. If the data provided to your doctor is not coming from a reliable source, then you should consider an alternative clinic. Vein clinics that prioritize the hiring of certified and experienced sonographers have made a commitment to safety and the quality of their clinic. At the Princeton Vascular Center, our team of ultrasound technicians and physicians are all certified by ARDMS, the organization that is the recognized standard for excellence in ultrasound.

Strong Online Presence and Track Record
Finally, the vein clinic’s online presence can tell you a lot about their quality of care. In the modern age, it’s imperative for vein clinics to maintain an educational website and have a strong online presence. If the vein clinic’s website looks dated, it’s likely that their investment into the rest of their practice is also questionable.  
At the Princeton Medical Group, we maintain an up to date website that’s complete with educational information you can use to understand your vein disease and prospective treatments. 

Personalized Approach
It’s also important that the vein treatment center takes a personalized approach to treatment.  Vein treatment is elective and should always feel that way.   The purpose of your vein consultation should be to present your concerns and goals for treatment.  Beyond being friendly, the vein clinic should provide a comprehensive evaluation that takes into full account your medical and family history, along with your symptoms.   This will allow your vein doctor to make appropriate recommendations and what results can be expected.  We will say it again--vein treatment is not a one size fits all approach.   Finally, there should always be enough time for questions and answers with the doctor without feeling rushed to make treatment decisions.
Schedule a Consultation with the Best Clinic for Vein Treatment!At the Princeton Vascular Center, our vein doctors will carefully examine all of your symptoms in order to individualize a treatment plan just for you.
We hope this brief summary provides you information to find the best vein clinic near your location!

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